Each year Lakeshore Woods is visited by a special guest. It’s not the tooth fairy, but you’ve probably noticed traces of their visit…

Local food artisans have a long tradition of turning sap from maple trees into delicious, sweet maple syrup. The original owners of the Lakeshore Woods land were associated with the DeVries family who made a family business of fruit preserves and syrup.
Who is collecting sap?
Gord DeVries reaches out each year to ask for permission to collect sap. The sap is processed by Thornburg and Company in Holland to make maple syrup.
Does this harm the trees?
I have addressed concerns about tapping trees with our ISA Certified Arborist, Joshua Watkin who reviewed the taps and has no concern for the tapping. He was pleased to see that only mature trees were being selected and only small taps were in use, allowing healthy flow of sap to the tree.
What about private property?
The Board has permitted sap collection on mature trees in the outer green spaces of the neighborhood – along Pierce Street and 168th Ave outside the property of private lots.

Please notify me if you find that trees have been tapped on your private property so that we can discuss.
Where can I get some delicious maple syrup?
You can support a small local business by checking out their website shop:
Also, as a thank you to the neighborhood, Gord has offered to provide us with some syrup which I will make available at our Annual Member meeting this May – details to follow!
Until then, you may also want to check out a couple of events later this month where you can see the process of maple syrup production at the annual Maple Sugar Time event at Van Raalte Farm in Holland: